Your Personal Tree Doctor
Meet John Burke
LA Johnny is a landscape architecture and consulting arborist firm specializing in trees. My “tree” practice draws on my experience across multiple disciplines: landscape architect, consulting arborist, construction manager, senior estimator and technical writer. You can’t just plant an urban forest, you have to engineer it. I help owners create beautiful trees and healthy urban forests.
Recent Projects
Habitat Gardens Privitelli Residence
Though lovely, the role of lawns is shrinking as we create new habitats in our built environment. The Privitelli family bought this 1960’s view bungalow with a landscape designed by
Habitat Gardens Driftwood Apartments
People ask me how landscape architects design. I tell them we design habitat gardens. “Schools of Thought” were the hashtags of previous generations and among landscape architects no hashtag is
Pruning Specifications Monterey Pines
One Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) #3. This is the larger of two Monterey pines (69” DBH) in the backyard. It splits into three forks about 54” above grade. It is