

LA Johnny is a landscape architecture and consulting arborist firm specializing in trees. My “tree” practice draws on my experience across multiple disciplines: landscape architect, consulting arborist, construction manager, senior estimator and technical writer. You can’t just plant an urban forest, you have to engineer it. I help owners create beautiful trees and healthy urban forests.

Landscapes and urban forests are human habitats, subject to the same trade-offs and rules as natural habitats. It is a timeless principal – designing with nature. Trees are the charismatic mega-flora of these unique human habitats. I help owners and designers pick the best trees to save and the right trees to plant. I help them promote tree health and manage tree risks.

Many trees in southern California are protected by local laws. I help owners and designers understand the laws and make informed decisions. I prepare the various documents and plans needed to comply with these laws.

My services fall into the following six categories. If you need a landscape architect or consulting arborist, contact me to see how we can work together!

Sample Reports

I develop databases, reports, analysis and assessments using CAD technology so that you get the information you need presented in a professional manner. See below for examples of my work.


Arborist Construction Observation Report - Local Agency


Tree Appraisal Report for Development Permit


Tree Permit for House Remodel Thousand Oaks


Tree Risk Assessment Report - Local Government


Health Report Villa Fruit Trees


Homeowner - Protected Tree Report - Los Angeles


Homeowner - Pruning Specifications Monterey Pines


Homeowner - Sick Elm Tree - Commercial Lot

Plan Design

Villa Orchard Plan

Plan Design

Courtyard Planting Plan

Plan Design

Garden Concept

Plan Development

Homeowner - Tree Protection Plan - County Building Permit


LA Johnny does plan check for city governments and homeowner’s associations.

Need a Tree Expert?

Contact me through the form below, and we can get started on your project today!

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